A Spiritual Teacher once said that Love is… “The force that brings the many back to the ONE (God).” Imagine if we could see all that happens as Love; a process of evolution (different for each one of us) that brings us back home to rest in The Divine Mother’s arms. When we see something […]
The Peace of Freedom: Love
Another way to experience the Peace of Freedom is through unconditional Love. Coming from that place of unconditional love brings about a feeling of peace within that is unmatched! The freedom that is displayed when giving love unconditionally is limitless. And it doesn’t matter whether that love comes in the form of helping others without […]
The Peace of Freedom: Honesty
This month’s topic has been the Peace of Freedom and this week’s subject is Honesty. I think if we are “honest” with ourselves, we can all reflect back to a time in our life when we were not honest about something. We’ve all done it, it’s part of being human and experiencing that duality. Can […]
Honoring Passover
This coming weekend, I will get to honor Passover with my fiancée, Liz, and some of our friends. We (mostly Liz) will host it. I love tradition and all that this tradition represents. I also feel that at every Passover Seder I have attended, there is a wonderful openness that is also celebrated…an openness to […]
Freedom and Independence from Debt
Back in my 12/11/09 blog article, I talked a little about debt, how it sometimes occurs and about my own debt, specifically. I mentioned that I started my consulting business after I invested all of my savings in a separate business venture. The consulting piece started off slow, and the business venture did likewise. I […]
Everyone has to do it! It’s part of the journey. Today, lots of folks will tell you that if your work involves doing something you’re passionate about, you won’t be so unhappy with your job. Or maybe if you’ve found your purpose in life and that’s what your job is all about, you’ll be more […]