Another way to experience the Peace of Freedom is through unconditional Love. Coming from that place of unconditional love brings about a feeling of peace within that is unmatched! The freedom that is displayed when giving love unconditionally is limitless. And it doesn’t matter whether that love comes in the form of helping others without […]
Agapé Love
Agapé love is totally selfless. It is unconditional love. Agapé love rises above Philo love and Eros love. It’s when a person gives their love to another person even if this act does not benefit her/him in any way. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love the other without […]
The Different Types of Meditation
There are many different types of meditation, and each utilizes a different method to accomplish different goals. Following is an overview of some of them. Contemplative Meditation All religions employ contemplative meditation in some way or another. Christians, Jews and Hindus listen to prayers or chants for a while, then go into the silence. In […]