A Spiritual Teacher once said that Love is…
“The force that brings the many back to the ONE (God).”
Imagine if we could see all that happens as Love; a process of evolution (different for each one of us) that brings us back home to rest in The Divine Mother’s arms. When we see something that is tragic, something that we cannot understand, if we can see it as a process of evolution for all involved, if only for just a moment.
Take the example of a terrible car accident. “Why did it happen?” we ask. Was this something that was agreed on before taking this human form, so that we can teach others how to give unselfishly (those who rush to that aid of the accident victims)?
I am reminded of the blind man on the road that met Jesus of Nazareth His disciples. His disciples asked, “Whose sin caused this man to be born blind…his own or his parents Master?” Jesus replied, “Neither. He was born so that the works of God could be displayed in him.”
Aren’t we all doing the same work when helping that person injured in the car accident? All of us, including family, friends, nurses, doctors, etc., are acting from Love; that which brings the many back to the ONE.
This is not a religion lesson. Every religion says the same, be it Judeo/Muslim/Christian or from the East. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna says, “Not a blade a grass moves without the sanction of the Lord.”
I hope that this month’s newsletter and blogs have brought given you a different perspective on Peace, Freedom and Love.
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