This month’s topic has been the Peace of Freedom and this week’s subject is Honesty.
I think if we are “honest” with ourselves, we can all reflect back to a time in our life when we were not honest about something. We’ve all done it, it’s part of being human and experiencing that duality.
Can you still remember the discord…the constant barrage of chatter your mind took you through about it? Can you still feel a little of that discomfort?
It is so simple to see and feel the peace that comes from honesty. We don’t have to remember the lie (or lies) that were told. All we have to do is remember the truth.
It’s so simple, right? So why do we lie? The answer is FEAR. Fear of the unknown. So we try to control the unknown and we lie about something.
We all have fear. It’s a very good thing to have. At times, it’s even good to react from fear. If you’re in a bad neighborhood, and you see four or five guys coming toward your car with bats in their hands, then I hope you are fearful and get your butt out of there. Of course, if you’re fearful about something and lie about it to change the outcome, that’s not going to help you, others or the situation.
When we can be honest with ourselves about our feelings, understand why they are what they are, and ask for help (from God or another human being you look up to),before we decide to not be honest, we have a much better chance to keep peace in our lives and feel the freedom that comes along with be honest.
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