In last week’s blog entry, I spoke of how Lasting Love is kindled. When we are able to look past the bodily designations…the material status, and see the very essence of God in them that is in us, then the fire is ignited. When we are with that person and want to bask in that […]
Honoring Lasting Love
Last week, I shared examples of how to recognize Lasting Love, and I hope they gave you valuable insight. If we are able to distinguish the difference between the Eros and Philo types of love, compared to Agapé, it helps us understand and distinguish between the three. In summary, as long as you are expecting […]
Lasting Love
Before I begin, I want to briefly review my description of the three different types of love, as discussed in the August 2010 Ah-Man Blog entries. The three types of love are Eros, Philo and Agapé. If you recall, both Eros and Philo are conditional and temporary types of love. The basis for these is […]
Agapé Love
Agapé love is totally selfless. It is unconditional love. Agapé love rises above Philo love and Eros love. It’s when a person gives their love to another person even if this act does not benefit her/him in any way. Whether the love given is returned or not, the person continues to love the other without […]
Philo Love
Last week, I wrote about Eros love and explained how Eros love is based on self-benefit. It’s about you. You’re attracted to someone because of the way they look, talk, dress, etc. But when you see the other side of the person, you can become disappointed and stop loving that individual. Philo love is described […]
Eros Love
It’s no surprise that the core teaching in all religions is Love. But there are different types of love. The English language uses just one word to describe those different types of love and it is one of the reasons that love can be confusing to us. Thankfully, we have some of the older languages, […]
The Nature of Love
The theme of my July newsletter is LOVE and in keeping with that theme, the Ah-Man Blog will focus on love over the next few weeks. I want to start by putting the word into context. Following is the definition of loved as retrieved from Wikipedia: Love is the emotion of strong affection and personal […]