As indicated in the Ah-Man Newsletter, during the month of January, I will be discussing the four critical questions that one asks on their spiritual journey through life:
- Who am I?
- Why am I here?
- Where am I going?
- How do I get there?
Each one of these questions has had books written about them. So attempting to discuss them in my blog in any comprehensive way is almost impossible. Nevertheless, I want to spend time on each question to provoke thought and reflection.
Where Are We Going?
Well, the answer to that question depends on which way you are pointing your vehicle and what is the consciousness of the one in the driver’s seat?
Our consciousness will take the form of whatever container we pour it into. If we focus solely on mundane things, our consciousness will be mundane. The more we practice seeing things through spiritual eyes, the more spiritual our consciousness will be. If we focus solely on the toys of life and not on the toymaker, where do you think your consciousness will be and in what direction will you be going?
We can have nice things in life, provide a wonderful home for our family, and live in comfort. It’s also important that we take good care of our bodies, eat right and exercise. And it is imperative to have fun and laugh. We can still be spiritual while acquiring these things and participating in these activities.
The key is not to have those things and activities become more important than that which brings us lasting peace, comfort and real security. Because at the moment our bodies expire, that which we have mostly focused on in life will be what we’ll be thinking of. It’s just conditioning.
So where is your Consciousness? What is it focused on? If you do not know, a good way to find out is to notice where your mind wanders to when you’re not busy doing something.
For many of us, when we are in the early stages of deepening our spiritual lives, our thoughts will go to that which we have been focusing on over the last 30…40…even 50 years. Prayer and meditation will help us to focus on things that bring us lasting Peace, Love, Joy and Wisdom, and will help us get to where we want to go.
So where you are going depends on what you are doing and your consciousness. Where you want to go and what are you doing now to help yourself get there also depends on your consciousness.
If you want to be a firefighter, you have to prepare for the written piece and train for the physical part.
Prayer, meditation and reading scriptures and the works of the Saints and Masters help prepare your Consciousness.
Our purpose in life is to evolve to our Wholeness by achieving our full human and divine potential. Last week, I spoke of what it takes to reach both our human/social and Divine/spiritual potentials. Actualizing both of those potentials is important for our Consciousness to drive the vehicle to the place we want it to go to.
But where do you want to go? It’s up to each individual. Free will is a wonderful thing. We are going where we direct ourselves. Eventually we will all get there, back to The Source. The decision on how we get there is up to us. Do you want something that brings us only temporary peace, joy, love and wisdom, or do want to be able to experience that very Peace, Joy, Love and Wisdom now and when we get to where we are going?
To find out more or if you have questions, feel free to email me at [email protected].
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