Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. ~Matthew 5:11
We see this going on today. This great country of ours was founded and built on the Judeo-Christian tradition. The Judea-Christian traditions are the basis for our Declaration of Independence. In the Declaration of Independence, it says our freedom is God-based, not government-based.
Our Civil Rights movement also used the Judeo-Christian tradition for its foundation and because of that was successful. It was not the militants that were successful, but those who followed the Natural Laws of God.
Today, our government is saying our freedom is the result of the government and when others say that it’s God based, they are ridiculed. False stories begin to be made up about them and they are made fun of by the media and masses.
Today, we can’t even mention the word God in the public school systems (government systems that we pay for) without being punished or singled out.
Try to speak about God’s Natural Law (The Commandments) outside of your spiritual group and see how you are treated.
It’s hard for many who believe in God not to conform when they find themselves discussing God or the Natural Laws (The Commandments) in big groups of others who oppose these Laws. Some of us want to appease them so we don’t stand up for ourselves; or we find ourselves reacting and retaliating.
But both of these will bring about disconnection from God…whether we are angry and retaliate or if we just say nothing because we do not want to be different or criticized.
Perfect adherence cannot be followed by all.
Jesus and some of the Avatars taught that we not retaliate to resist “evil” and to pray for them. But depending on our consciousnesses, what our duties are and/or where we are on our spiritual journey, this might not be possible.
Does a soldier or police officer “turn the other cheek” when they see “evil? Of course not. Nor do most of us. For all of us who are not on the level of God Consciousness of The Masters, it would be an excuse for hypocrisy or cowardice. But we all can pray for those who mock us and say false things about us because they don’t understand our path.
Look at Lord Sri Krishna instructing His disciple Arjuna on the Battle of Kurukshetra. Their Krishna instructed Arjuna to fight, and not be a coward. Fighting was a proper way for Arjuna to act because he was a soldier; a great soldier who had to defend against evil.
So there are times when some of us must act and times when we do not. A balanced life of prayer, contemplation and meditation will help guide us in this world of duality.
It is the Self Realized Ones who can perfectly follow the teachings of others before them and not retaliate, to resist “evil,” when persecuted. But remember, this is what we strive for; those who are looking to continue to improve their consciousness contact with the God of their understanding will honor and obey God’s Natural Laws, be they The 10 Commandments or Nama Niyama, regardless of what others think. And by doing so, it will bring them peace…a peace from within.
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