I can hardly believe it. It seems like just yesterday we were in the midst of the holiday season, and now February has arrived. For some of us, there is nothing to look forward to over the next several weeks but more wintry weather. However, the romantics among us look forward to Valentine's Day. For some, February is the month of love.
Speaking of which, I want to share with you one of my favorite poems about love:
The Sky Gave Me It's Heart
The sky gave me its heart because it knew mine was not large enough to care for the earth the way it did.
Why is it we think of God so much?
Why is there so much talk about love?
When an animal is wounded no one has to tell it, "You need to heal," so naturally it will nurse itself the best it can.
My eye kept telling me "Something is missing from all I see." So it went in search of the cure.
The cure for me was His beauty, the remedy – for me was to love
Rabia of Basra (c. 717-801) A Sufi Mystic
What a beautiful poem. The "cure" is love. How true! But what is the cure for a loss of love?
No matter how we lose a loved one – because of a mutual parting of the ways, because we choose to leave or someone chooses to leave us, or because we are separated by death – it is a painful experience. Sometimes, part of the aftermath is that we find we have lost our ability to trust. And without trust, it is virtually impossible to make a connection and love again.
I have been to that painful place. After I lost the love of my life, I wondered if I would ever fall in love with someone like that again. I had done massive work surrounding my loved one's parting. Because of that work, I did trust that everything was happening in Divine order. I just was not sure if a love like that could happen twice. It is like lightning striking twice in the same spot. Boy, was I ever wrong. By being able to keep an open heart, love found its way to me more than ever before.
During the next few weeks, I will be discussing how we can reconnect to our hearts, even after experiencing the loss of a loved one. It will be a journey of hope and validation. Please join me.
To learn more about Michael Hoare and Ah-Man, visit here.