During your day, while your mind is wandering, try to bring the mind back to something higher.
As we know, if we let our mind wander…it goes where it wants to. Usually, it’s about mating, eating, defending or it just wants to sleep. These thoughts take us into places that at times are like daydreams. But more often than not, they become nightmares. What I learn is that they usually bring about thoughts of anger or fear and how to protect ourselves if this happens.
Remember, the mind will take on whatever form you pour it into. What is your consciousness?
Keeping your thoughts/mind on something higher…a name of God or a saying/prayer will be harder at first. But as with anything you practice, it does come easier.
The serenity prayer in earlier sobriety was one of my favorites. When I found my mind in places I didn’t care for, I would just repeat it continuously and it helped center me.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the different.”
Later on, it was the Jesus Prayer “Lord Jesus Christ, pray for us”. I would just find my self-repeating this over and over while driving in the car, walking down a street. Then it would just come up in difficult times. I’d say it, and it would automatically center me.