“And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.”
The word “Debts” has much more then monetary implications here. In the Vedas, our debts are our karma. For every action, there is a reaction. This is the law of Karma, as well a law of Physics.
We are responsible for not only our actions, but also our thoughts. Our thoughts will sow similar seeds, which will later develop into actions and then into reactions.
Any thoughts we have or actions we perform have two consequences: first, they create an impression in our mind that develops into those seeds, which eventually are created outwardly; secondly, it brings about the reaction, good thoughts and actions which, in turn, bring about more good thoughts and actions. Negative thoughts and actions bring about more negative thoughts and actions. Each of these (thoughts and actions) either brings about happiness or misery.
Our character is developed from these thoughts and actions. And by our thoughts, actions and character, we knowingly or, for most people, unknowingly, are always contracting debts…obligations that must be paid off.
When this stepping stone (debts/karma) of spiritual life is recognized…when we realize that it is our very self that is causing all the happiness or misery that is coming to us…we understand that everything good or bad has been previously earned by ourselves alone. It is then, and only then we stop blaming others for our misfortune and we no longer hold anyone responsible for any-thing we suffer. Of course, these debts/karma come from not only this lifetime but from previous life times.
When we are ready to assume responsibility for our own karma and not blame others, then it will be easy for us to forgive those in debt to us, those who have harmed us or taken something away from us.
Only when we have forgiveness in our hearts can we accept the forgiveness that God always has for us.
In order to free ourselves from this bondage of debating and contracting more debt/karma, if we offer everything we do to God, the fruit of all our actions to the Lord…not for our own glory, en-joyment or accolades, but knowing that everything comes from God, and we recognized it and offer it back before we utilize it, then it becomes karma/debt free. This is also called Bhakti Yo-ga.
This is how we can forgive our debt/karma and our debtors.
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