I believe that spirituality and religion can each be a path to help show you how to enrich your relationship with your Creator, Higher Power, Divine Being, or whatever reference you use for the God of your understanding. The ultimate goal is to have a loving, trustful, divine personal relationship with God.
Please note that I am sharing with you what I believe is the purpose of spirituality and religion. I also believe that if your religion or spiritual belief says that someone else’s spiritual or religious path is wrong and yours is the only way, you might want to rethink that position. God is unlimited. Thus, when a person or group believes their way is the only way, then they are attempting to limit the Unlimited. Remember that religion and spirituality represent the path, not the destination.
Those are some of the similarities.
The main distinctions between religion and spirituality are customs, rituals and traditions, the same things that differentiate one religion from another.
Religion offers a certain set of beliefs and structures that help followers connect to their God. Spirituality often has a much wider perspective and can include any mixture of beliefs and structures to help believers connect to the God of their understanding (spirit).
So if you are following the principles and guidelines of your religion, and that has helped you to improve your relationship with your Creator, then that path is working for you. Spirituality you might not have as many customs, rituals and traditions, but it they lead to you to feel a greater closeness to God, the path is working for you, as well.
So is there really a difference? Not really. The paths maybe different, but as long as they are bona fide, i.e., producing love, joy and peace in your life and those around you, they will lead you to the same destination. As is stated in many scriptures, there are many paths. Ultimately they all lead back home…back to Godhead.
To learn more about Michael Hoare and Ah-Man, visit here.