In the May Ah-Man Newsletter, I ask the question: What is Your Spiritual Foundation and What are The Four Pillars of Spirituality? The foundation is your belief in God/Higher Power/Source; a Power greater than ourselves. The Four Pillars are the structure.
The Four Pillars upon which we build our walls and roof are so simple that most of us take them for granted. Others have compromised their pillars and, thus, get blown around when the winds of life blow hard.
The Four Pillars are:
- TRUTHFULNESS: to thine own self be true, live within your means
- COMMITMENT: to others (work, friendships, etc.) and to marriage vows
- NON INJURY: not only in the physical sense, but also in words and thoughts
- FAITHFULNESS: to your system of belief in God
Non-injury does not mean you become a doormat. You have to protect yourself and your family.
There is a story of a conversation between Gandhi and another man. The other man was telling Gandhi about a man who let others rob his family because he did not want to be violent in protecting his family. Gandhi said that the man was being violent by not protecting his family and letting others cause damage when he could have stopped it.
Non-injury is when you do not hurt others physically, emotionally or mentally (i.e., hurtful thoughts) for your own gains.
This is a world of duality. There are good and bad people. We must protect ourselves and if fighting is necessary, then that is what we have to do.
But to hurt others for our own personal gain is violent.
We also kill others’ spirit when we gossip and talk about others. In the 12-Step rooms, you hear the phrase, “to hit others with a prayer instead of a chair.” Of course, there could be several interpretations of this, but here is the one that is clear for me: instead of thinking bad thoughts about someone, pray for them.
Praying for others instead of complaining or thinking painful thoughts around them will certainly bring more peace to you and to the others around you.
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