In Chapter 14 of the Bhagavad Gita, the Three Gunas are described as the following:
Sattva the shinning
Can show the Atman (Soul)
By its pure light:
Yet sattva will bind you
To search for happiness
Longing for knowledge
Sattva, the mode of goodness is important on the path of spiritual enlightenment.
Those who are of the temperament of Sattva, usually worship God in some format, thus can begin the journey of enlightenment, if they do not get attached to happiness and knowledge. Those of nature of Goodness/Sattva follow the laws of nature and scripture, are generous and help others. When this person dies (and if they do not achieve God Consciousness’) …they enter the heavenly realm…this is not the eternal realm. They are still bound to birth and death, the wheel of evolution.
Some of the other qualities besides goodness are balance, purity, holistic, constructive, creative, virtuous and peaceful.
Bhagavad Gita-Chap 14
“When understanding
Shines in through the senses,
The doors of the body:
Know sattva is present”.