There is an old saying posted on the walls in the meeting rooms of 12-Step Programs: Hit them with a prayer instead of a chair.
Just because someone has different beliefs in politics, the environment, the social agenda, etc., doesn’t mean they are not as true to their own beliefs as you are to yours.
If someone has offended you in some way, to strike back will only cause more pain for everyone. One of the parties has to come to their heart (and away from their emotions) and either do nothing and walk away, or say something from the heart, instead of from the hip.
Whether or not you are able to say something from the heart, praying for the perceived offender will help everyone concerned.
Early on in my recovery, I was told that if I had a resentment against someone and I prayed earnestly for them to find the very peace that I am looking for in my own life every night for 30 days, it was guaranteed that my resentment would fall away. It always worked.
Prayer is so powerful. But foxhole prayers are not as powerful as prayers that come from your heart. Prayers that are sincerely meant…prayers to help us understand that which can’t be understood…prayers for others…and prayers without any gain for ourselves are all especially powerful.
I’m sure most of us have said prayers in groups for certain individuals or for world peace. I have organized several prayer groups for certain individuals at a said time and have had wonderful results.
I hope you will be able to incorporate prayer and even prayer groups as effective tools in your everyday life.
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