Last, week, I shared with you something very painful; the
loss of the love of my life. If you will
recall, I talked about how difficult it was to reconnect to my heart and regain
the trust we each must have in order to
love – or learn to love – again.
Even before the
death of this special woman, I was all too familiar with the loss of precious
things and precious people. As a young
child, I lost my innocence because of sexual abuse, which led to abusive and
dysfunctional adult relationships. I
lost both parents when I was 15; my best friend when I was 18; my younger
brother when I was 19; another dear friend when I was 25, and the list could go
on and on.
It takes my breath
away just writing about it.
I could have
shriveled up and lost it. But I refused
to give in to the anger and I was determined to learn how to trust again. And I believe that because I would not allow
myself to stop trusting, a new love came into my life…and what a love she is! We have a relationship that is soaring to
heights I have never experienced before.
For me, Trust was
the beginning of it all. Some believe
that the word “trust” is interchangeable with the word “faith.” I call trust faith in action. Once I had trust, my faith certainly grew; but
before trust, my faith was unstable at best. My trust began with my understanding of my
relationship with The Divine Mother/God/Higher Power and Her relationship to us
all. Once I was able to get a grip on my
understanding of our relationship, I found a trust unlike any I ever had before.
In the next couple
of weeks, I’m going to talk about the other two essentials – Acceptance and
Forgiveness – that, along with Trust, comprise the foundation of my life. I’ll explain how we must understand and embrace
these three fundamentals in order to find true love.
To learn more about
Michael Hoare and Ah-Man, visit here.