Just as a reminder, the topic for this month has been Suffering is an Option. And I have been using “spiritual” teachings from six main paths known to us to illustrate that they all teach us the same thing about suffering: that it is something we do not have to endure. There is a path. That path is to for us to connect to our Core…True Nature…Higher Self…and not be overshadowed by things outside of ourselves.
This week, I am going to cover the remaining three paths. I’ll illustrate my points by using quotes from teachers or teachings from each of the paths.
Sri Anandamayi Ma said:
(Sri Sri Anandamayi Ma, also known as the Blissful Mother, is one of the most beloved Saints of India, a guru to gurus, and a veritable Goddess in human form.)
“So long as Self has not been found, sorrow will not depart. Having found one’s Self, all questions and problems are solved.”
So here we can see that looking for happiness outside of ourselves is temporary, at best. Ultimately for lasting comfort and happiness, the answer is within.
If we are connected to our Higher Self, our lives will unfold just as was Divinely planned.
In the Kabbalah, it is said:
“Disconnecting from the Light (Inner Being) is what causes us suffering.”
The Kabbalah provides very specific teachings and techniques to access the realm of Inner Light. Many great Saints and Sages have achieved the union of Inner Being through these teachings. Unfortunately, over time the “experience” of the teaching and techniques were somewhat forgotten and the behaviors and beliefs were made into laws. They then believed if you followed the laws you will get the same experience, which does not happen.
A mystical teaching of Jesus of Nazareth is:
“Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven within. Then all things [that you have been looking for outside] will be yours.
Jesus came to teach love over law. He was the Messiah of the inner world, not the outer. He taught the highest purpose of life was not to become perfect ourselves but to become “One with the Father.” We then become perfect and whole and all things will spontaneously come to us for spiritual evolution with peace, love, wisdom and joy along our journey.
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