The lasting peace and contentment comes from where? It is not of this world.
It is from within. You already have it. It’s just a matter of clearing the debris around it; desires/additions, anger, intellect are just a few of the obstacles that are blocking us from it.
Desires from the outside
Let’s look at desires/addictions. Besides all of the 12 step additions one that most everyone is addicted to are cell phones. This is clearly one of the biggest addictions in today’s society. Constantly having to be connected to the outside world, the busyness that goes with, always engaged…what’s to speak of the physical piece, the RF waves, etc.
Many of us do not have a choice. It’s the way of today’s world. But we can shut them off or simply put them away at night and for part of the morning. That’s the first practice.
Once you have done that, notice and witness the keen desire to go to the cell phone. Check on things. There will be many reasons your mind tells you to look at the cell phone. Witness this…try to look at this almost uncontrollable desire…to react. But just witness.
This is Step One
Awareness of this desire.
Acceptance of the power it has had over you.
Now you can take action of putting the phone down and out of reach at certain times of the day for you to practice going within.