A great way to keep yourself fit throughout your day is by using a technique that takes certain sayings and “truths” and instills them in our consciousness. This method is known as Imprinting, and it is a very simple and effective process:
1. First, choose a truth that appeals to you; a truth that you would want to have firmly established in your consciousness. For instructive purposes, we will use My Life is One with All That is Perfect and Good. I have listed a few others below.
2. Next, place your attention on the point just behind your heart.
3. Then, allow your attention to dwell there, feeling the deep sense of peace and lovingness.
4. Now gently think the thought My Life is One with All That is Perfect and Good from this space behind the heart.
5. Continue this practice of thinking this thought from behind the heart for as long as you like.
This practice can be repeated anywhere and at any time of day. It’s important to note that this should not be considered “self indulgent.” This practice changes your consciousness. As we all know, our thoughts and consciousness go out into the world and universe, and by practicing “Imprinting” we can help change the consciousness of the whole world, little by little.
Some other examples of sayings and/or “truths” that can be used for imprinting include:
God is LifeSilence is the Home of God Within CreationEverything Comes to us From GodHe/She Dwells in the Silence of My HeartThere is Only…One
We Are All One Self
The Desire to Love God Is Loving God
Thank you once again. In your loving service.
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