Service/sacrifice is something we do without expecting it to result in any acknowledgement or personal gain. We put something that has value to us out to others, in hopes that it will make their lives better.So are we doing service when we make sacrifices for our family? When a mother and father get along with less so that they can give more to their children, is that service? Of course it is.
Is volunteering our time to the local community to help others who are less fortunate then us service? Yes, it is.
If you own your own business, taking on a client who can benefit from your service, but who is unable to pay for it, is another possible form of service.
Praying for others daily is service.
Tithing is a form of service (and a sacrifice, as well, for some).
Meditating is another form of service.
What we are trying to do is have compassion for others and help them in some way, shape or form, without expecting anything in return. In some cases, we are helping them at the very core of their being…their Higher Self.
There are different types of service… environmentalists… humanitarians… religious… spiritualists… mystics. Each of these groups provides help to others in some form. Over the next couple of weeks, I will expand on the different types of service and explore which ones bring about the greatest benefit.
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