From infatuation to adoration; is the journey of marriage. A mystic tells me all the time about the length of infatuation…”a year, maybe 18 months….then its over.” And one of the two or both wants to move on if they do not understand the higher meaning of commitment.
I know many of us here in the west think of pre-arranged marriage as barbaric. Westerners do not understand them. But did you know that 95% of them last until the end of each of their lives? Yes, I am sure there are some that are forced under horrible conditions, etc…but those are few in between the successful ones.
Why are they successful? Because they build the relationship on commitment first, and then on friendship, then respect and love develops.
I’m not advocating pre-arranged marriages. But the formula that they are built around is something to consider.
Look at the west. 1/3 of the marriages ends within 10 years. 50% of marriages end in 20 years…and it doesn’t get better.
If we can look at all the attributes of our spouses and focus on the good ones instead of the ones we don’t like; this is a huge start.
Love & Blessings,