Last week, I challenged you to change the way you perceive certain experiences in your life. Today, I'm asking you to embrace another change in perspective, and I am guessing that this will be a tougher challenge.
We all have people in our lives that we just automatically pre-judge, often for no concrete reason. Inevitably, these folks end up on a list of people we don't really care for, even though we have not really taken the time to get to know them or find out what makes them tick. But who are these people really? What are they like? Why do they rub us the wrong way? Why do we have such a visceral reaction to them?
Getting the answers to these questions could very well require us to step outside of our respective comfort zones. And believe me when I say that I know what a tremendous challenge it is to step outside the comfort zone. But I promise you that the trip will be worth every bit of discomfort and angst you may feel.
I believe that there are no coincidences. Every person in your life is there for a purpose; they have something to offer you. I challenge you to pick someone on your list and make it your business to learn something about them and really absorb it. Then determine how what you have learned impacts your life. I guarantee that what you learn will in some way change your perspective on that individual.
If you have been following along with me this past month, I hope you have picked up some valuable tools related to change that will assist you as you make your way on your life journey. These tools will bring you closer to discovering the secret of being human. May you feel the presence of The Divine Mother, Heavenly Father, and Friend Beloved God walking beside you on this journey every moment.
To learn more about Michael Hoare and Ah-Man, please visit here.