In every scripture, there is talk of creating karma. Some scriptures might call it other things, such as sin or ill will. No matter which term is used, it basically means that every action we take has an effect on our present and future. We are experiencing things today because of deeds (or misdeeds) done […]
What Would Our World Look Like Today If We Followed This Religion?
Imagine a religion that was not just a faith to be believed in, but also a tradition…a culture…a way of life. It is the oldest religion to believe that there is only one God and that He made an agreement with the people of the land that if they follow His way, they will always […]
What Would the World Look Like If It Followed This Religion?
What if the world followed a religion that included a belief in nonviolence and such a profound respect for all life that if you were a nun or monk of this faith, you would wear something to cover your mouth to avoid breathing in any insects and you would brush the path in front of […]
Imagine a World That Follows This Religion
Imagine a world where the three treasures of life are the quality of vitality, energy and spirit we have. And our aim is to keep them balanced, thus creating harmony. A religion and society where we are encouraged to let go of material things and where living in harmony with nature and with one’s body […]
Imagine a World That Observes This Religion
Imagine a religion that coincides with all other religions; a religion that has no qualms if you are of another faith/religion. That religion is Buddhism. Sounds like a very open spiritual path…one with no restrictions…take what you want…do what you want, right? Not really. Buddhism allows someone of another religion to follow that faith…as long […]
How Do We Get There?
As indicated in the Ah-Man Newsletter, during the month of January, I will be discussing the four critical questions that one asks on their spiritual journey through life: Who am I? Why am I here? Where am I going? How do I get there? Each one of these questions has had books written about them. […]
What is Prayer?
In my last blog post, I spoke about prayer. It came to me that prayer may have a negative connotation for those of us who have recovered from some type of trauma or addiction (one day at a time), and even for those of us who didn’t experience trauma or addiction (but who still would […]
The Divine Masculine
In honor of Father’s Day, the June issue of the Ah-Man Newsletter focuses on “The Divine Masculine.” In this month’s blog, I want to share just a glimpse of what The Divine Masculine may look like. The Divine Masculine is a path of actions that produces results. So we do certain things to achieve a […]
Honoring Each Other
During the holiday season, it may be easier or harder to honor each other. The thing to remember is that we don’t have to wait for a specific time of year to honor each other. We should do it every day. So how can we honor each other? There are guidelines in each religion […]
There Are Saints Among Us
I guess a good place to start with this one is to explain what a saint is. All religions talk about saints. You might think that it’s a Catholic term. But no, Catholics do not have a monopoly on saints. In Judaism, saints were called Tzadikam (one who not only never sins, but has eradicated […]